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《中英對照讀新聞》 "Bronx Zoo cobra"Now Has A Name 「布朗克斯動物園的眼鏡蛇」現在有了名字

2011/04/17 06:00


’Bronx Zoo Cobra’ Now Has A Name


The snake that stole New York’s heart no longer has to be known as just the "Bronx Zoo cobra."


Thanks to 60,000 or so folks who voted on line in a poll sponsored by the zoo and New York’s Daily News, the great escape artist will now be known as Mia.


That name won out over the other choices—Cleopatra, Subira(Egyptian for patience), Amaunet(an Egyptian goddess)and Agnes(Greek for pure or holy). Mia, as the Daily News says, is "short for missing in action."


If you’re not up to speed on all this, Mia disssappeared for six days—though it seems she never left the reptile house at the zoo. While she was unaccounted for, a Twitter page about her humorous ramblings around town proved to be highly popular.

如果你還沒搞清楚狀況,米亞先前曾失蹤了6 天,不過最後她似乎根本就沒有離開動物園的爬蟲類動物館。當她還在行蹤不明之際,微網誌推特上出現了一個帳號,描寫她在紐約市內的幽默漫步,結果大受歡迎。

At it seems that "she’s" still at it:"So, the vote is in. They want to name me Mia. But in my heart I’ll always know that my true name is Mrs. Justin Bieber."



missing in action(mia):指在戰鬥中失蹤的人員,縮寫為MIA,美式英語中,常用來形容很難找到某個東西,尤其是指找不到某人。如︰The employee is MIA.(這名員工下落不明。)但在英式英語中則較常用「gone AWOL」,AWOL為absent without official leave的縮寫,指擅離職守或開小差。

up to speed on someone/something:片語,指完全掌握某人或某事的最新資訊,以求取更好的表現,如︰We arranged for some home tutoring to get him up to speed with the other children in his class.(我們替他安排了一些家教,好讓他能跟上班上的其他小朋友。)

unaccounted for:形容詞,指失蹤、下落不明、未予解釋的等,如︰About 50 million dollars from the robbery is still unaccounted for.(該起劫案約5000萬美元仍下落不明。)

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