中英對照讀新聞─President Trump relaunches the 1960s era space council 總統川普重啟1960年代的太空委員會
◎ 劉宜庭
President Donald Trump is bringing back the National Space Council, a group formed 60 years ago aimed at coordinating the nation’s activities beyond Earth. But with NASA still without an administrator, it’s not yet clear what this means for Trump’s vision for space exploration.
An executive order signed on June 30 appoints Vice President Mike Pence chairman of the resurrected advisory body, which will also include the secretaries of state, defense, commerce, transportation and homeland security; the NASA administrator; the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and several other government officials. The order also called for the establishment of a "Users’ Advisory Group" composed of representatives from states and private industry.
"We’re going to lead again," Trump said. "It’s been a long time, over 25 years, and we’re opening up and we’re going to lead again like we never led before… The next great American frontier is space."
The National Space Council:名詞,(美國)國家太空委員會。例句:The National Space Council was first created during the Eisenhower administration, with the aim of making sure there was someone close to the president to coordinate national policy on space.(國家太空委員會最早創立於艾森豪執政時期,目的是確保有親近總統的人士協調國家的太空政策。)
exploration:名詞,探索、探勘。例句:Efficient asteroid mining would jump-start a space economy and bring down costs for exploration, guiding humans into a modern space age.(高效率的小行星採礦將快速啟動太空經濟,降低探勘的成本,引領人類邁進摩登太空時代。)
frontier:名詞,邊界、新墾地、尚待開發的領域。例句:Asteroid mining could be space’s new frontier.(小行星採礦可能是太空的新領域。)
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