《中英對照讀新聞》Nothing decided over THAAD environmental test: defense ministry 南韓國防部:薩德環評懸而未決
"South Korea’s defense ministry is in talks with related government agencies over ways to adequately carry out an environmental assessment on the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, and nothing at this stage has been decided yet," it said in a statement.
The release came in response to some local media reports that said the ministry has begun a process to carry out an environmental test for the THAAD deployment site in North Gyeongsang Province.
Upon the agreement between South Korean and the United States for the THAAD deployment in March last year, Seoul provided a former golf course in Seongju, some 296 kilometers southeast of Seoul, to station the powerful missile defense battery by the end of this year.
But the deployment has been suspended since the new liberal Moon Jae-in government, which took office in May 10, raised an issue with the timeline of the deployment and called for a thorough environmental assessment.
adequately:副詞,適當地、充分地。We didn’t have adequate time to prepare.(我們當時準備不及。)
carry out:動詞片語,實施、進行。The study will be carried out over a six-month period.(該研究的執行期間為6個月。)
station:動詞,派駐、配置。The company was stationed over here for several years.(這個連幾年來駐紮此處。)