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《中英對照讀新聞》Warning call of the wild: US zoo animals sensed quake 來自野性的警告呼喚:美國動物園動物察覺到地震

2011/09/04 06:00


Many animals at the National Zoo in Washington sensed the rare 5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the US east coast before it struck and began to behave strangely, zoo officials said.


The epicenter of the surprise quake was located in a small Virginia town 134 kilometers southwest of the US capital. Despite the distance, the zoo’s red-ruffed lemurs "sounded an alarm call about 15 minutes before the quake and then again just after it occurred," the zoo said in a recent statement.


About five to ten seconds before the quake, many of the zoo’s apes, including an orangutan and a gorilla, "abandoned their food and climbed to the top of the tree-like structure in the exhibit."

地震發生的5到10秒前,園內的許多猩猩,包括一隻紅毛猩猩及一隻大猩猩,「 突然丟下食物,爬到展示區內一座樹狀架子的頂端。」

Three seconds before the quake a female gorilla shrieked, collected her baby and also climbed the structure, while another orangutan "began ’belch vocalizing’ -- an unhappy/upset noise normally reserved for extreme irritation -- before the quake and continued this vocalization following the quake."


Of all the zoo animals, the giant pandas remained apparently oblivious. "According to keepers, the giant pandas did not appear to respond to the earthquake," the zoo said.



sound the alarm:指發出聲響警告他人,例句︰Quick, sound the alarm - there’s a fire in the machine room!(趕快,按響警鈴,機房起火了。)sound在此處做動詞,指發出聲音。

collect:動詞,指到某地把某人或某物帶離開,接走,例句︰I’ll collect you from the station. (我會到車站接你。)

oblivious:形容詞,指不注意的,不留心的,沒有意識到,例句︰The party appeared oblivious to (or of) the mounting pressures for political reform. (該黨似乎完全沒有體認到要求政治改革的壓力不斷增加。)

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