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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Jankto: Soccer’s most prominent player comes out as gay 捷克國腳揚克托公開出櫃

Czechia’s midfielder Jakub Jankto, left, fights for the ball with Remo Freuler of Switzerland during the UEFA Nations League soccer match between Czechia and Switzerland at Sinobo Stadium in Prague, Czech Republic on June 2, 2022. 歐洲足總國家聯賽捷克對瑞士之役中,捷克中場球員揚克托(左)與瑞士的弗羅伊勒爭奪球權。2022年6月2日攝於捷克布拉格伊甸園體育場。
Photo: EPA-EFE 照片:歐新社

Czechia’s midfielder Jakub Jankto, left, fights for the ball with Remo Freuler of Switzerland during the UEFA Nations League soccer match between Czechia and Switzerland at Sinobo Stadium in Prague, Czech Republic on June 2, 2022. 歐洲足總國家聯賽捷克對瑞士之役中,捷克中場球員揚克托(左)與瑞士的弗羅伊勒爭奪球權。2022年6月2日攝於捷克布拉格伊甸園體育場。 Photo: EPA-EFE 照片:歐新社

2023/02/21 03:00


Czech international footballer Jakub Jankto said on Thursday last week that his coming out as gay earlier in the week was “definitely a relief.”

The 27-year-old Getafe winger, on loan at Czech top-flight side Sparta Prague, became the first active international player to announce that he is gay on Monday last week.

“It was a tough decision, but looking back I’m really happy I made it,” Jankto told the public Czech Radio.

“Now I can finally live the way I want and that’s what matters most. It was definitely a relief,” he added in his first interview since coming out in an emotional video on social media.

“I want to give an example to others, to show you can keep doing your job, and I think I have given a very positive example.”

Jankto, who has a three-year-old son with his ex-girlfriend, said he had first told his family that he was gay and then came out to his best friend a year and a half ago.

“Then I said it in the locker room a few months ago. My teammates’ reaction was fantastic, they took it in their stride,” he added.

Only a handful of top players have publicly come out as gay while still playing, including Josh Cavallo from Adelaide United in October 2021 and Jake Daniels at English side Blackpool in May 2022.

Jankto’s announcement sparked a wave of support on social media, including from FIFA and UEFA and top clubs from Arsenal to FC Barcelona.

“The reaction was huge, incredible, fantastic,” said Jankto. “This made it much easier for me.”

But he added that he was ready for negative responses when he returned to the pitch as Sparta faced Jablonec in the Czech league on Sunday last week.

“It would be naive to think I can steer clear of that. If someone feels the urge, it’s OK, but I definitely won’t react.”

“The football environment is obviously a bit homophobic; there are a few hundred hooligans associated with each team who will have none of this,” said Jankto.

“But it’s also due to the fact that we don’t have a history of positive examples showing that your sexual orientation does not make a difference.”

Jankto said he expected the negative reactions to wane with time, and that in the end players will not have to make similar statements.

“I hope we’ll get there as early as possible and it will be much easier for these guys than it was for me.”




















Czechia’s midfielder Jakub Jankto, left, fights for the ball with Remo Freuler of Switzerland during the UEFA Nations League soccer match between Czechia and Switzerland at Sinobo Stadium in Prague, Czech Republic on June 2, 2022. 歐洲足總國家聯賽捷克對瑞士之役中,捷克中場球員揚克托(左)與瑞士的弗羅伊勒爭奪球權。2022年6月2日攝於捷克布拉格伊甸園體育場。
Photo: EPA-EFE 照片:歐新社

Czechia’s midfielder Jakub Jankto, left, fights for the ball with Remo Freuler of Switzerland during the UEFA Nations League soccer match between Czechia and Switzerland at Sinobo Stadium in Prague, Czech Republic on June 2, 2022. 歐洲足總國家聯賽捷克對瑞士之役中,捷克中場球員揚克托(左)與瑞士的弗羅伊勒爭奪球權。2022年6月2日攝於捷克布拉格伊甸園體育場。 Photo: EPA-EFE 照片:歐新社

Adelaide United player Josh Cavallo poses at an undisclosed location in an undated photo. Australian midfielder Josh Cavallo said on Oct. 28, 2021 that he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of global support since coming out as the only known gay men’s footballer playing in a top-flight league 澳洲阿德雷德聯隊球員卡瓦洛。拍攝日期地點不詳。澳洲中場球員卡瓦洛於2021年10月28日表示,自從他出櫃,成為頂級聯賽中唯一的男同志名球員後,他對全球的大力聲援感到受寵若驚。
Photo: AFP 照片:法新社

Adelaide United player Josh Cavallo poses at an undisclosed location in an undated photo. Australian midfielder Josh Cavallo said on Oct. 28, 2021 that he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of global support since coming out as the only known gay men’s footballer playing in a top-flight league 澳洲阿德雷德聯隊球員卡瓦洛。拍攝日期地點不詳。澳洲中場球員卡瓦洛於2021年10月28日表示,自從他出櫃,成為頂級聯賽中唯一的男同志名球員後,他對全球的大力聲援感到受寵若驚。 Photo: AFP 照片:法新社

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