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《中英對照讀新聞》Angelina Jolie, in Lebanon, says world has failed refugees 安潔莉娜.裘莉在黎巴嫩表示世界辜負難民

2016/03/20 06:00


Angelina Jolie, the Hollywood actress and special envoy for the U.N.’s refugee agency, said Tuesday that the international community must address the root causes of the global refugee crisis.


"We cannot manage the world through aid relief in the place of diplomacy and political solutions,’’ she said under the pouring rain at a press conference in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have sought refuge in the Bekaa. Lebanon hosts well over a million Syrian refugees, who now account for nearly a fifth of its population.


Jolie said she had hoped to be in Syria helping victims return to their homes on the fifth anniversary of the uprising against President Bashar Assad. She said it’s "tragic and shameful that we seem to be so far from that point.’’ Jolie called on such countries to adhere to their international obligations to aid refugees.


"The reason we have laws and binding international agreements is precisely because of the temptation to deviate from them in times of pressure,’’ she said.



refuge:名詞,避難、庇護(所)、慰藉;動詞指給予…庇護、避難。例句:Drug dealers refuged in these border areas.(毒販躲避在這些邊界地區。)

uprising:名詞,起義、暴動、起立、上山坡。例句:The government quickly put down the uprising.(政府很快地鎮壓了起義。)

adhere:動詞,緊貼、遵守、堅持、支持、依附。例句:They adhered to the contract.(他們遵守合約。)

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