《中英對照讀新聞》Lindsay Lohan wants people to "stop bullying" President Trump 琳西蘿涵要人們「停止霸凌總統川普」
(圖擷取Lindsay Lohan推特)
Lindsay Lohan pledged her allegiance to President Donald Trump on Independence Day. The "Mean Girls" star urged social media users to stop being mean to POTUS.
Lohan shared an image of President Trump offering to help a sick infant. She responded to the picture with the caption, “THIS IS our president. Stop #bullying him & start trusting him. Thank you personally for supporting #THEUSA.”
In another reply to a tweet critical of the president, Lohan said, "@realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @FLOTUS @DonaldJTrumpJr are kind people. As an American, why speak poorly of anyone? "
This isn’t the first time Lohan stood up for the president. In February, she urged Americans to “join him.” She said. “He is the president — we have to join him. If you can’t beat him, join him.”
pledge allegiance:動詞片語,宣誓效忠。例句:The attacker was accused of pledging allegiance to ISIS.(這名攻擊者被控宣誓效忠伊斯蘭國。)
POTUS/ FLOTUS:名詞,美國總統/第一夫人的縮寫:例句:Republicans defended Ivanka Trump’s sitting in for POTUS. (共和黨人為伊凡卡.川普坐上美國總統座位辯護。)
stand up for:動詞片語,支持,辯護,捍衛。例句:Learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe in.(學習捍衛你自己和你的信念。)
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