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《中英對照讀新聞》Saudi king orders newspaper columnist to stop piling on the praise-沙國國王命令報紙專欄作家停止頌揚

2017/07/08 06:00



Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has ordered an over-enthusiastic columnist to be suspended from his job after he equated him with God, Saudi media reported on Sunday.


King Salman has frequently been lauded by columnists in local media, in traditional deference to authority, since the 81-year-old assumed office in 2015.


But Ramadan al-Anzi’s column in al-Jazirah newspaper describing King Salman as "Haleem", or forbearing, and "Shadeed al-Eqab", strict in punishment - both terms associated in Islam with God - appeared to have gone too far.


The newspaper published an apology late on Saturday.


"The phrases and tribute which the author bestowed on the personality of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, are not acceptable, despite what God had bestowed upon him, may God protect him, of the honor of serving the two holy mosques, Islam, the homeland and the people," al-Jazirah wrote.(Reuters)



equate:動詞,指使相等、等同。例句:Some people equate education with exam success.(有些人把教育跟考試拿到好成績劃上等號。)

deference:名詞,指順從、尊重。例句:See what a deference he pays to the supervisor.(看他對主管多畢恭畢敬啊!)

bestow:動詞,指授予、放置、貯藏、供留宿。例句:He did not bestow one thought on his dead wife.(他對他死去的妻子想都不想。)

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