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《中英對照讀新聞》Translation of ’Finnegans Wake’ sells in China 「芬尼根守靈夜」譯本在中國大賣

2013/03/24 06:00


The Chinese version is no easier to read than the original, the loyal-minded translator assures, but James Joyce’s "Finnegans Wake" has still sold out its initial run in China _ with the help of some big urban billboards.


Wang Weisong, chief editor of the Shanghai company that published the first Chinese translation of the Joyce classic, coyly said at a recent forum in Shanghai that he wasn’t expecting any success for the book, but that the modest initial run of 8,000 copies has sold out since it went on sale Dec. 25. He said more copies are being printed to meet demand.


The book, widely considered Joyce’s most experimental and inscrutable work, was promoted by an unusual billboard campaign in major Chinese cities _ with 16 of them in Shanghai alone. The official Xinhua News agency said it was the first time a book had been promoted that way in China.


Some critics say the surprise hit has pandered to a superficial demand among some Chinese for high-brow imports.


"It’s beyond my comprehension that a niche work should cause a sales tsunami," Li Weiqi, a bank employee and an avid reader from Shanghai, wrote on his microblog after he spotted a huge outdoor lightbox advertisement for the novel. "Might it be that it’s being hawked as a commodity to attract the pretentious?"(AP)



run:名詞,指(書籍或報紙等產品)(一次的)印量,如The book had a print run of 10,000 copies.(這本書當時的印量為一萬本。)

pander to:動詞片語,帶有負面意味,指刻意迎合、取悅某人,如The film panders to the popular taste for violence in entertainment.(這部片迎合了娛樂工業對暴力的普遍喜好。)

hawk:動詞,指叫賣、兜售,如Vendors were hawking soda and hot dogs.(小販們正在叫賣蘇打水和熱狗。)

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