中英對照讀新聞》‘Totally cold’ is not too cold for winter swimmers competing in a frozen Vermont lake對於在結冰的佛蒙特州湖中比賽的冬泳運動員來說,「完全寒冷」並不算太冷

Plunging into a frozen lake and swimming laps may not be everyone’s good time but for winter swimmers who return year after year to a northern Vermont lake near the Canadian border, there’s nothing better.
The 10th annual Memphremagog Winter Swimming Festival kicked off Friday with the 200-meter freestyle race in a narrow pool cut from the ice. But the festivities started Thursday and on Friday morning some of the 180 participants swam a lap wearing a decorated hat.
“It was amazing. It’s the highlight of my year,” said Andie Nelson, of Arlington, Virginia, after swimming 25 meters in the hat competition. “It makes me happy.”
Andie planned to compete in all events over the three days and said it’s more about the people and comradery than the icy water.
plunge into:動詞片語,跳入、投入、闖入。例句:Two months before his exams, he suddenly plunged into his studies.(考前2個月,他突然開始埋頭苦讀。)
comradery:名詞,同志情誼、友誼。例句:When you’ve been climbing alone for hours, there’s a tremendous sense of comradery when you meet another climber.(獨自攀登數小時後遇到另1個攀登者,這時你會產生強烈的志同道合感。)