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《中英對照讀新聞》German foreign minister︰troubled times ahead 德國外長:動盪在即

德國外交部長史坦麥爾(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)。(法新社)

德國外交部長史坦麥爾(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)。(法新社)

2017/01/25 06:00


Germany must brace itself for turbulent times under U.S. President Donald Trump, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Sunday, adding that free trade and trans-Atlantic cooperation to fight extremism and terrorism were key for Berlin.


Steinmeier, who in August said Trump was a "Hassprediger" or "hate preacher", wrote in Bild newspaper that some members of the new U.S. administration understand the importance of allies like Germany.


"I know, we must prepare ourselves for turbulent times, unpredictability and uncertainty," Steinmeier said. "But I am convinced that we will find in Washington attentive listeners, who know that even big countries need partners in this world."


Trump unsettled German leaders with remarks such as that Britain will not be the last country to leave the European Union and with threats to impose high tariffs on imports from China and Mexico.


Chancellor Angela Merkel, who attended the opening of a museum outside Berlin as Trump was being sworn in on Friday, has said she would seek compromises with Trump on issues like trade and military spending and that she would work on preserving the important relationship between Europe and the United States.



brace for/against:做好防備。例如:brace against typhoons(做好防颱準備。)

convinced:確信的、信服的。例句:He didn’t look convinced, but said nothing.(他看上去沒有信服,但不作聲。)

unsettle:攪亂、使心緒不寧。例句:The sudden changes unsettled me.(突如其來的變化讓我心緒不寧。)

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