《中英對照讀新聞》Coffee has secret trick to stop sleep 咖啡剋睡有個不為人知的騙局
A cup of coffee in the evening may be keeping you awake for more reasons than you realise, scientists say.
Their study, in Science Translation Medicine, showed caffeine was more than just a stimulant and actually slowed down the body’s internal clock. A double espresso three hours before bedtime delayed the production of the sleep hormone melatonin by about 40 minutes, making it harder to nod off.
Experts said our own actions had a huge influence on sleep and the body clock.
One of the researchers, Dr John O’Neill, from the Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, told the BBC News website:"If you’re tired and having a coffee at night to stay awake, then that is a bad idea, you’ll find it harder to go to sleep and get enough sleep."
stimulant︰名詞,刺激物。例句:Tourism has acted as a stimulant to the country’s economy.(旅遊業成為振興該國經濟發展的因素之一。)
slow down︰片語,使減慢。例句:If I run with Christina she tends to slow me down.(如果我和克莉絲蒂娜一起跑,她會拖慢我的速度。)
nod off︰片語,打瞌睡。After our busy day we both sat and nodded off in front of the TV.(忙碌了一天,我們兩人都坐在電視機前打瞌睡。)
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