《中英對照讀新聞》British girls vie for co-star chance in Harry Potter spin-off movie 英國女孩競爭哈利波特外傳電影合演機會
Thousands of girls queued to audition in east London on Saturday for a chance to co-star in the planned Harry Potter spin-off movie "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".
Whoever gets the role will star alongside Academy Award winner Eddie Redmayne, who will portray "magizoologist" Newt Scamander.
Some girls queued from as early as 3 a.m. for the auditions, having traveled from all over Britain to the ExCel exhibition centre in London’s Docklands, in the hope of entering J.K. Rowling’s world of magic in the eagerly anticipated film.
Movie group Warner Bros and the film makers are looking for a girl aged between eight and 12 to take on the role of Modesty, a character they describe as "a haunted young girl with an inner strength and stillness".
The story, set in New York and based on Rowling’s book of the same name featuring dozens of imaginary creatures such as the Billywig, Flobberworm and Snidget, is the author’s first screenplay.
vie:動詞,競爭、爭取。例句:They are vying to win the championship for the fifth year in a row.(他們爭取連續5年奪冠。)
queue:動詞,排隊等候;名詞指行列、長隊伍。例句:We were asked to stand in a queue.(我們被要求排隊。)
in the hope of:片語,期望、懷著……希望。例句:He’s in the hope of success.(他滿懷成功的期望。)
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