《中英對照讀新聞》 Woman Arrested After Calling 911 With Chinese Food Complaint 女子在打911緊急報案電話抱怨中國食物後被捕
◎ 張沛元
An Ohio woman has been arrested after calling 911 to complain about an order of Chinese food.
Police say the 44-year-old Alliance woman called the emergency number late Monday afternoon to say the Chinese food she’d ordered from a local restaurant was "not up to par for her liking."
After police determined the woman had no real emergency, she was arrested and charged with misuse of 911, a misdemeanor. She’s scheduled to appear in court this week. (AP)
complain about someone or something:慣用語,抱怨某人或某事。例句:He is always complaining about everything.(這人總是碎碎念個沒完。)
up to par:慣用語,形容達到一定標準。例句:My boss said that the report was not up to par.(我老闆說這報告不夠好。)
charge someone with something:慣用語,以某罪名控告某人;賦予某人某項任務。
例句1:The police charged him with robbery.(警方控告他搶劫。)
例句2:The boss charged her with organizing the presentation.(老闆把籌辦發表會的任務交給她。)
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