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《中英對照讀新聞》China building second aircraft carrier:PLA colonel 人民解放軍大校:中國正在建造第二艘航空母艦

2015/05/03 06:00


China is building its second aircraft carrier, a senior naval officer has told media, the most explicit confirmation yet of a widely expected move that will boost Beijing’s maritime power.


China’s first aircraft carrier was a 300-metre Soviet-era vessel bought from Ukraine and commissioned in September 2012 -- at the time a milestone for the country’s growing military might.


The news follows reports last week of another double-digit spending boost for China’s military -- the world’s largest -- during 2015, as the country pursues a series of territorial disputes with its neighbours.


Senior colonel Liang Fang said China "accumulated a lot of experience" from the first vessel, the Liaoning, and told Internet portal Sohu it had now taken the "next step".


Beijing has rapidly expanded its military in recent years, rattling its neighbours and attracting the attention of the United States, which is making a foreign policy "pivot" towards Asia.



commission:動詞,(軍艦)服役、將…投入使用、委託;名詞作權限、委員會、佣金、犯罪行為等。例句:The queen commissioned the artist to paint her portrait.(王后委任該藝術家繪製她的肖像。)

milestone:名詞,里程碑。例句:The new drug was a milestone in the treatment of heart disease.(新藥乃是治療心臟病的里程碑。)

accumulate:動詞,累積、聚積。例句:Evidence of her guilt is accumulating.(對她的罪狀之證據正在累積中。)

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