中英對照讀新聞》Police charge director of Miss Nicaragua pageant with running “beauty queen coup” plot 警方指控尼加拉瓜小姐選美主辦人策劃「選美政變」
Nicaraguan police said Friday they want to arrest the director of the Miss Nicaragua pageant, accusing her of intentionally rigging contests so that anti-government beauty queens would win the pageants as part of a plot to overthrow the government.
It all started Nov. 18, when Miss Nicaragua, Nicaragua’s Sheynnis Palacios won the Miss Universe competition. The government of President Daniel Ortega briefly thought it had scored a rare public relations victory, calling her win a moment of “legitimate joy and pride.”
But the tone quickly soured the day after the win when it emerged that Palacios had posted photos of herself on Facebook participating in one of the mass anti-government protests in 2018.
The protests were violently repressed, and human rights officials say 355 people were killed by government forces. (AP)
rig:操縱,對…做手腳。例句:He first blamed the referee, and then said that the game was rigged.(他先是責備裁判,接著又說比賽被人動過手腳。)
legitimate︰形容詞,合法的、正當的。例句:He is the legitimate heir to the property.(他是這筆財產的合法繼承人。)
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