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中英對照讀新聞》Stone Age skeleton missing foot may show oldest amputation 石器時代骸骨缺腳 可能揭示最早的截肢手術

2023/01/26 05:30



The 31,000-year-old skeleton of a young adult found in a cave in Indonesia that is missing its left foot and part of its left leg reveal the oldest known evidence of an amputation, according to a new study in the journal Nature.


Scientists say the amputation was performed when the person was a child. The prehistoric surgery could show that humans were making medical advances much earlier than previously thought.


After examining the remains, the researchers concluded the foot bones weren’t missing from the grave, or lost in an accident — they were carefully removed. The person appears to have lived for around six to nine more years after losing the limb, eventually dying from unknown causes.


This shows that the prehistoric foragers knew enough about medicine to perform the surgery without fatal blood loss or infection.(AP)



amputation:名詞,截肢。例句:If worse comes to worst, he may face leg amputation.(若最糟情況發生,他可能面臨右腿截肢的情況。)

remains:名詞,遺骸;剩餘物。例句:My mother hates to see remains of dinner left on the table.(我媽討厭看到沒吃完的晚餐擺在桌上。)

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