中英對照讀新聞》Covid ’vaccination persuasion’ teams reap rewards in Turkey 新冠病毒「接種疫苗勸說」團在土耳其收穫成果
一名土耳其醫生2月間在東部偏遠村莊為滿65歲村民接種疫苗。 (法新社檔案照)
A coronavirus "vaccination persuasion" initiative is gearing up to be rolled out across Turkey after proving a resounding success in a district in the country’s south-east.
Since February, doctors and healthcare workers in the mainly Kurdish city of Adıyaman have been calling people in age groups already eligible for the vaccine to ask why they have not come to clinics for appointments.
Then, equipped with cooler boxes full of vaccine vials, they fan out across the rural area to visit patients who are still reluctant.
It is working, boosting the vaccine take-up rate among the 250,000 strong population scattered across the province’s central district by nearly 30%.
reap (the) rewards:片語,(經過努力)獲得回報、成果。例句:You will reap the rewards of your hard work.(你的努力會有所回報。)
gear up:片語,加緊、加快(行事)、準備好。例句:We are gearing up for the big project.(我們正為這個重大計畫加緊準備。)
resounding:形容詞,響亮的,巨大的。例句:The new product has been a resounding success.(這項新產品是一大成功。)
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