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中英對照讀新聞》The Extinction Rebellion activists want you to give up hope 「反抗滅絕」環保人士要人們放棄希望

2019/05/23 06:00



The Extinction Rebellion, a group of activists calling for fighting against global warming, believes that homo sapiens - perhaps not so "wise" after all – has dug its own grave and is doomed to terrible suffering.


A clear-eyed reading of science reveals that our appetites and ecological footprint have tipped Earth into a rare period of mass extinction from which humans are not exempt.


"It is really about waking people up to the fact that this is an emergency situation," said Sara Arnold, a 32-year designer and entrepreneur. "We want people to start to digest the reality of climate change."


"People imagine that we’ll find a solution in the future, that we still have time," said Doug McAdam, a professor of sociology at Stanford University. "A lot of people don’t see it as the crisis it so clearly is."


Assurances from governments, think tanks and NGOs that the crisis is manageable are rejected as false hope based on wishful thinking or lies.(AFP)



clear-eyed:形容詞,有洞察力的。例句:Rio put forward very 4clear-eyed comments on the issue.(里歐對這項議題提出非常有洞察力的評論。)

appetite:名詞,胃口;慾望。例句:Rex has lost appetite for the fight.(雷克斯已失去鬥志。)

tip:動詞,(使)傾斜。例句:The stool tips on the uneven floor.(這張凳子在崎嶇不平的地面上傾斜著。)

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