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《中英對照讀新聞》After 70 descendants, a 108-year-old Canadian man finally gets a namesake-有70名後代的108歲加拿大男子終於等到同名子孫

2019/03/01 06:00



Esmond Allcock has six children, 17 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren.


But to his dismay, none of them were named for him.


That finally changed last year when his great-granddaughter Jenna Lehne decided to name her second son Esmond, prompting a tender moment when Allcock met his namesake for the first time.


"As he held my son, he kissed his head and said over and over again, ’You don’t know what this means to me. You don’t know what this means to me,’" Lehne wrote in a post published last week on Love What Matters, a site that celebrates real-life stories of love and compassion.

「他(艾斯蒙德)抱著我兒子,親吻他的頭並不斷地說,『你不知道這對我有多重大的意義,你不知道這對我有多重大的意義,』」林恩在上週張貼於專門歡慶愛與同情的真實人生故事的網站Love What Matters的貼文中如此寫道。

"When I got pregnant with my second, he mentioned to my grandmother that he was responsible for 71 descendants and no one had named their son after him," Lehne wrote in her post.


"My husband and I had wanted to name our new son after family, and that just sealed the deal."



to one’s dismay:慣用語,令人沮喪的是…。dismay,名詞,驚慌、沮喪、 氣餒。例句:I found to my dismay that I had left my purse behind.(令我沮喪的是,我發現我忘了帶包包。)

over and over again:慣用語,一再地,再三地。

seal the deal:慣用語,達成協議,完成交易。例句:We sealed the deal by shaking hands.(我們握手成交。)

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