《中英對照讀新聞》Madrid bans ‘manspreading’ on public transport-馬德里向公共運輸工具上的「開腿族」下禁令
Madrid, Spain’s capital, has taken a stand against manspreading – banning men from indulging in the rude leg extending move on its trains and buses.
The city’s Municipal Transportation Company (EMT) plans on installing new signs in all its carriages and vehicles, which they hope will stop the personal space encroaching practice.
EMT released a statement saying:“It’s to remind transport users to maintain civic responsibility and respect the personal space of everyone on board.” At this stage it is unclear whether or not a fine will be levied at offenders.
The hashtag #MadridWithoutManspreading went viral on social media earlier this year and a petition was thus presented to Madrid’s Mayor.
The petition stated, “It’s not difficult to see women with their legs shut and very uncomfortable as long as there is a man next to them who is invading their space with his legs.”
例句:The president’s executive order encroaches on the rights of certain immigrants.(總統的行政命令侵犯部分移民者的權益。)
例句:The government plans to levy a tax on tobacco.(政府計畫徵收菸草稅。)
go viral:慣用語,如病毒般傳播,意指爆紅。
例句:His documentary has gone viral on the Internet.(他這部紀錄片已在網路上爆紅。)
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