中英對照讀新聞》Half of fine dust from Korean sources:study 研究顯示南韓半數粉塵源自國內

According to the preliminary Korea US-Air Quality (KORUS AQ) study, conducted by NASA and Korea’s National Institute of Environmental Research, about 52 percent of Korea’s fine dust particles and other airborne pollutants have domestic origins. China was the origin of some 34 percent of the particles, while 9 percent came from North Korea.
The study was conducted between May and June, when the China factor is considered to be lower than during the winter and early spring. A previous study by Yale and Greenpeace released in 2015 estimated that 50-70 percent of fine dust was domestically sourced.
“The impact of sources outside Korea varies greatly with season and requires further study.” the report said. President Moon Jae-in had announced his vision for cleaner air by introducing a series of measures including stricter emissions tests for diesel vehicles and permanently closing old coal-fired power plants by the end of his term.
preliminary:形容詞,預(準)備的、開頭的。We have decided to change the design based on the preliminary market research.(根據初步市調,我們決定變更設計。)
vary:動詞,改變、變化、修改。My taste in classical music often varies, but I usually prefer Beethoven.(我對古典音樂的喜好時常改變,但我通常偏好貝多芬。)
permanently:副詞,永久地、常在的。Betel nut chewing is likely to damage your health permanently.(嚼食檳榔很可能對你的健康造成永久性傷害。)