《中英對照讀新聞》The ruler of Dubai helps villagers buy chapel in Cornwall-杜拜統治者義助村民買下(英國)康瓦爾的小教堂
The ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has helped a small Cornish village buy its Methodist chapel. Residents of Godolphin Cross near Helston emailed him in a desperate attempt to raise funds. The village shares a name with the world famous Godolphin stables, founded by the sheikh, Cornwall Live reports. Richard Mckie from the Godolphin Cross Community Association said: "We are extremely appreciative."
The group needed £90,000 to buy the chapel that they intend to convert into a community centre, and had raised £25,000 towards it. It’s not known how much was contributed by the sheikh, but Mr. Mckie said "it has pushed us across the line".
One villager, Valerie Wallace, had the idea as a last ditch attempt, with the group having failed to raise sufficient funds. "We thought nothing of it and then we began to get phone calls from Dubai," Mr. Mckie said. "We thought we were being hoaxed but it was no hoax."
The sheikh, who has been invited to visit the village, was unavailable for comment. The group now needs to raise a further £350,000 to restore the hall.
last ditch:孤注一擲的、最後防線的。例句:It was a last-ditch effort.(這是最後的努力。)
think nothing of: 輕看、不當一回事。例句:He thought nothing of running a marathon.(他不把跑馬拉松當一回事。)
hoax:欺騙、騙局。例句:Even the experts were hoaxed.(甚至專家也受騙上當。)
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