《中英對照讀新聞》Former Norwegian PM held at immigration over Iranian visa 挪威前總理因伊朗簽證在移民關卡遭扣留
挪威前總理龐德維克(Kjell Magne Bondevik)。(路透/資料照)
If you’re the former leader of a European nation, the president of a major human rights organization and the owner of a diplomatic passport, you’re not likely to encounter a long wait at airport immigration.
But on January 31, Kjell Magne Bondevik, the former Prime Minister of Norway, encountered more than just a lengthy queue.
Bondevik told CNN’s "Connect the World" he was interrogated by officials at Washington’s Dulles International Airport because he had an Iranian visa in his diplomatic passport.
"When they found the Iranian visa, where I was in December 2014, they said that there was a ... regulation that with such a visa I had to be flagged up," Bondevik said.
After the former European leader detailed his travel history - he was in Tehran speaking at an anti-extremism conference - Bondevik said he "assumed and presumed that they would let me go immediately."
But instead, Bondevik said he was questioned for over an hour.
interrogate:訊問,審問,盤問。例句:The investigators detained and interrogated hundreds of suspects after the attack.(調查人員在攻擊過後拘捕與偵訊數百名嫌犯。)
flag up:慣用語,引起注意;flag something up:強調某事的重要性或把問題提出來讓大家都知道。例句:Facebook will test its new “fake news” filtering tools in Germany and flag up a suspect story as fake for its users in Germany.(臉書將在德國測試其最新的「假新聞」過濾工具,讓德國臉友知道哪些新聞可能是假的。)
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