中英對照讀新聞》US film director encourages N. Korean students to follow their dreams/美國電影導演鼓勵北韓學子追夢
Jangdaehyun School in Busan is the only alternative school for North Korean defectors in South Korea’s southern provinces.
Greg Kwedar was in Busan because his film "Transpecos" was one of nine films in the "midnight passion" category of the 21st Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), which kicked off on Oct. 6.
"In the sense that I want to create a world without war and discrimination, I think that the message of my movie coincides with what a number of these students are thinking," said Kwedar, who was connected with Jangdaehyun School by the US Embassy to South Korea.
"It was really neat to actually meet a film director and to hear about the filmmaking process. My dream is to become a magician, and I want to take a shot at achieving my dream just like Mr. Kwedar," said Cho Gwang-eun, an 18-year-old male student.
Jangdaehyun School was established in Mar. 2014 by people who wanted to help North Korean teenagers who had risked their lives to come to South Korea but were challenged by bullying and by the language barrier at South Korean schools. The school is designed to prevent those teenagers from dropping out of school and losing their way.
in the sense that:片語,從(這個)意義上來看。It’s a closed society in the sense that they’ve not been exposed to many things.(這是個封閉社會,就此一意義上而言,他們至今都未接觸到許多事物。)
coincide with:動詞片語,與……符合(一致)。Her birthday coincides with yours.(她與你的生日碰巧同一天。)
take a shot (at):動詞片語,(對……)嘗試、試圖。I don’t know the answer to your question, but I’ll take a shot anyway. (我並不知道你問題的解答,但我無論如何會去試看看。)
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