《中英對照讀新聞》Dog helps save boy trapped in tumble dryer 狗狗協助救出困在滾筒式烘乾機的男童
北愛爾蘭一隻寵物狗將5歲男童從滾筒式烘乾機中救出。(圖擷自The Guardian)
A Bangor, County Down, family has said their pet dog saved the life of their five-year-old son, after he became trapped in a tumble dryer.
Riley Gedge-Duffy suffered burns to his arms, back and head when the machine automatically started with the boy, who has Down’s syndrome, stuck inside.
Aaron Duffy said his wife was vacuuming when the incident happened. He said she only knew something was wrong when their dog, Teddy - a cockapoo - began to bark.
"Only for our dog going nuts and notifying my wife by running up and down barking, my wife knew that there was something up and went down," Mr Duffy said.
"She just pulled him out, it didn’t matter if it was head first, feet first, legs whatever, he was coming out. So we got him out and cooled him down. Teddy’s going to get fillet steak tonight, I can guarantee that, she’s a very smart dog."
Riley was rushed to the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald, and is currently receiving treatment.
Mr Duffy said that the ambulance driver told him that suffocation would normally take only about five minutes inside such a tumble dryer, even if the machine had not started.
only for:如果沒有、要不是。例句:Only for your help, we should have failed.(要不是你們的幫忙,我們早就失敗了。)
go nuts:抓狂、變得極為憤怒或興奮。例句:The passengers went nuts because the plane would be delayed by 5 hours.(乘客們抓狂了,因為班機將延誤5小時。)
something’s up:出事了、出毛病了。例句:I knew something was up when I saw the smoke.(我看到冒煙就知道出事了。)
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