《中英對照讀新聞》Collins Dictionary names ‘Brexit’ word of 2016 柯林斯字典將「英國脫歐」列為2016年度單字
’Brexit’ has been named the word of the year by Collins Dictionary. The first recorded usage of the word arrived in 2013 , but this year saw a 3,400% rise.
"Brexit is arguably politics’ most important contribution to the English language in over 40 years since the Watergate scandal gave commentators and comedians the suffix ’-gate’ to make any incident or scandal more compelling." Helen Newstead, head of language content at Collins said.
’Brexit’ has also been adapted to describe events coming to an end, such as ’Mexit’ for footballer Lionel Messi’s retirement and “Bradxit” for the end of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s marriage
Other contenders for Collins’s word of the year included Trumpism. “Trump is not the first politician to have had his name co-opted by language:‘Thatcherism’ and ‘Reaganomics’, for example,” said Newstead. “However, the longevity of Trumpism as a word may depend on his success in the forthcoming election.”
commentator:名詞,評論員,注釋者。例句:Most commentators criticized globalisation. (多數評論員痛批全球化。)
compelling:形容詞,引人注目的,吸引興趣的。例句:She was really a compelling woman.(她真是一個引人注目的女生。)
forthcoming:形容詞,即將到來的,即將出現的。例句:The forthcoming week will be busy.(即將到來的一週將會很忙碌。)
柯林斯2016年度字彙 「英國脫歐」奪冠
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