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《中英對照讀新聞》I wouldn’t hire James Bond, says real British spy chief 我不會僱用詹姆士.龐德 真正的英國間諜頭子如是說

2016/11/05 06:00


Despite his unrivalled record for single-handedly saving the world from disaster while seducing beautiful women along the way, James Bond would not get a job as a British spy, the head of external intelligence agency MI6 has said.


Alex Younger said real spies had to cope with complex moral and physical challenges in the most forbidding environments on Earth, which would rule out the agent known as 007 because he lacked a strong ethical core.


"In contrast to James Bond, MI6 officers are not for taking moral shortcuts," Younger said in an interview published on Black History Month, a website dedicated to Britain’s annual celebration of its black culture and heritage.


"It’s safe to say that James Bond wouldn’t get through our recruitment process," said Younger.


"An intelligence officer in the real MI6 has a high degree of emotional intelligence, values teamwork and always has respect for the law - unlike Mr Bond." (Reuters)



unrivalled:形容詞,指無比的、至高無上的。例句:The company is unrivalled in expertise and credibility.(這家公司的專業度與信譽無人能敵。)

single-handedly:副詞,指獨力地、單槍匹馬地。例句:He has single-handedly ballsed up the best opportunity they’ve had.(他一手把他們有過的最好機會搞砸。)

forbidding:形容詞,指冷峻的、令人生畏的。例句:There was something a little forbidding about her face.(她臉上有股令人難以親近的氣息。)

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