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《中英對照讀新聞》Scientists apologise for failing to make girl a dragon 沒能幫女孩做出龍 科學家道歉

2014/02/04 06:00


Australia’s national science agency has issued a rare apology to a seven-year-old girl for not being able to make her a fire-breathing dragon.


The youngster, Sophie, wrote to a "Lovely Scientist" at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO), politely asking whether they could make her a winged pet of her own.

那個小傢伙,蘇菲,寫信給「聯邦科學暨工業研究組織 」(CSIRO)的「可愛的科學家」,客氣地詢問他們是否能夠為她製造一隻有翅膀的專屬寵物。

Sophie’s request prompted an unusual apology from the 87-year-old institution, which admitted "we’ve missed something".


"There are no dragons," it said in a blog reply posted on its website this week.


The enquiry had a fairytale ending Friday when the CSIRO announced that, thanks to Sophie’s letter, "a dragon was born".


"Toothless, 3D printed out of titanium, came into the world at Lab 22, our additive manufacturing facility in Melbourne."


"She is a very imaginative little girl and has been obsessed with dinosaurs and dragons from a very young age and had been pestering us for a dragon for Christmas," her mom said.



fairytale:形容詞,童話故事般的。例句:Belgium’s famed city of Bruges offers a fairytale backdrop for romance. (比利時著名城市布魯日擁有童話般的浪漫美景。)

be obsessed with:片語,牽掛、沉迷於…。例句:They are both obsessed with watching NBA basketball. (他們倆都超愛看NBA籃球賽。)

pester:動詞,糾纏、強求(某人)。例句:Don’t pester me with your trivial matters.(別拿你那些雞毛蒜皮的事來煩我。)

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