曾多次射彈攻擊敖德薩 俄羅斯海軍上將級護衛艦遭烏軍摧毀!

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭已逾一個月,俄軍行動不如預期,死傷慘重。而今烏軍再傳捷報,消息稱俄國一艘護衛艦在黑海(Black Sea)遭摧毀,令烏方相當振奮。
根據《今日烏克蘭》(Ukraine Today)引述烏克蘭海軍的消息指出,在烏國守軍的奮力反擊下,俄羅斯海軍上將級護衛艦「埃森海軍上將號」(Admiral Essen)本月3日於黑海被嚴重摧毀。不過報導宣稱,消息來源沒有具體說明烏方是用什麼武器打擊該艦。
曾參與2014-15克里米亞戰爭的烏軍退將、知名記者科瓦倫科(Victor Kovalenko)以及前美國海豹突擊隊、軍事作家費瑞爾(Chuck Pfarrer)今天都在推特上分享此消息,費瑞爾還稱,埃森海軍上將號是遭烏國岸基反艦飛彈摧毀,這艘船艦最後一次被看到時,正在黑海起火。
此外推特還有消息聲稱,被擊毀的是埃森海軍上將號編號751,價值5億美元(約新台幣143億元),烏方使用的武器為陸基反艦系統發射的「海王星P-360巡弋飛彈」(Neptune Р-360 Cruise missile)。以上在推特流傳的說法,尚未獲烏克蘭官方證實。
BREAKING - #Ukraine Armed Forces claim that they damaged the Russian missile fregat Admiral Essen in the Black Sea. This warship fired cruise missiles on civilians in Odessa city. Not anymore. pic.twitter.com/M4G260ZbeL
— Victor Kovalenko (@MrKovalenko) April 4, 2022
So unconfirmed reports that the Admiral Essen 751, a $500m Russian Admiral Grigorovich Class, Missile Frigate took a hit by a UA Neptune Р-360 Cruise missile in Black Sea today. The Essen was commissioned in 2016 and saw previous action in Syria. Waiting on visual from Sevastopol
— Adin of Crimea (@AdinOfCrimea) April 3, 2022
NAVAL WAR: @MrKovalenko reports that the Russian guided missile frigate Admiral Essen was engaged by Ukrainian shore-based anti-ship missiles and seriously damaged. The ship was last seen adrift and on fire in the Black Sea. https://t.co/OP9ubkTvlg pic.twitter.com/qATBDfUzRe
— Chuck Pfarrer (@ChuckPfarrer) April 4, 2022