《中英對照讀新聞》Christian lawyer paraded on Chinese state TV for ’confession’ 基督徒律師在中國國營電視台公開「認罪」
Supporters of a prominent Christian lawyer who was taken into secret detention after opposing a Communist party cross-removal campaign are demanding his release after he became the latest Chinese human rights defender to be paraded on television for an alleged "confession".
Zhang Kai, 36, was seized by security forces in August 2015 just hours before a planned meeting with the US ambassador-at-large for religious freedom at which he had intended to denounce a government crackdown on churches in Zhejiang province.
Zhang had not been seen since his detention on 25 August but on Thursday evening he appeared in a televised "confession" broadcast by l Wenzhou TV.
Zhang admitted to crimes including disrupting social order and endangering China’s national security. The Christian lawyer said: "I also warn those so-called human rights lawyers to take me as a warning and not collude with foreigners, take money from foreign organisations, or be engaged in activities that break the law or harm national security and interests."
William Nee, Amnesty International’s China researcher, said Zhang’s "confession" had obviously been scripted. "Once again, the Chinese authorities have flipped the truth on its head, confusing black and white," Nee said.
ambassador-at-large:無任所大使、巡迴大使。at large指自由的、無特定任務的,legislators-at-large即指不分區立委。
collude:共謀、勾結、串通。例句:The two companies had colluded to fix prices.(這兩家公司共謀操縱價格。)
flip(turn)sth on its head:顛倒、全然轉變。例句:The internet has turned the music industry on its head.(網路徹底改變音樂產業。)
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