《中英對照讀新聞》 Shocking’ sugar levels in High Street hot drinks, warns charity 慈善組織警告,市面上的熱飲含糖量驚人
There are "shocking" amounts of sugar in some hot drinks sold in High Street cafes, a campaign group has warned.
Action on Sugar analysed 131 hot drinks and found a third contained at least as much sugar as a can of Pepsi or Coca-Cola, which contains nine teaspoons. The charity said in some of the worst cases the drinks contained 20 or more teaspoons of sugar.
Coffee shop chains Starbucks, Costa and Caffe Nero said they were committed to reducing sugar content in their drinks.
咖啡連鎖店星巴克、Costa、Caffe Nero承諾會降低飲料含糖量。
The recommended maximum intake of added sugar per day for those aged 11 and over is about 30g or seven teaspoons, the NHS says.
high street:名詞,大街,城鎮主要的商店街。例句:There’s a new Italian restaurant opening on the high street.(商店街上新開了一家義大利餐廳。)
be committed to:片語,保證。例句:We are committed to withdrawing our troops by the end of the year.(我們承諾將於年底前撤軍。)
maximum:形容詞,最大的。例句:The bomb was designed to cause the maximum amount of damage.(設計這種炸彈是為了要造成最大程度的破壞。)
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