《中英對照讀新聞》Rap video recorded inside Georgia jail prompts investigation 在喬治亞州監獄內錄製的饒舌影片引發調查
Georgia authorities were investigating on Friday how a group of inmates in a suburban Atlanta jail were able to make a rap music video using jailhouse equipment and then get it posted on social media, sheriff’s officials said.
The 2-minute-27-second video called “Thuggin’ Live from DeKalb Jail” was posted on YouTube on Saturday, Atlanta television station WSB-TV reported.
It shows a group of inmates dancing, with several taking off their shirts and waving contraband, DeKalb County Sheriff Jeffrey Mann said in a news release on Thursday. It shows inmates with a banned cigarette lighter, the television station reported.
The inmates used the jailhouse’s video visitation system, which allows callers to see inmates while they talk remotely, Mann said. It was posted online by a person who received the video call, he added.
Authorities are reviewing how the system is monitored to make sure this does not happen again, jail officials said.
Mann, who declined to answer further questions on Friday, said in the statement he hoped the inmates “enjoyed their 15 minutes of fame,” and all will be punished. (Reuters)
prompt:名詞,指催促、提醒、付款期限、提詞;動詞,指促使、慫恿、激起、提示台詞;形容詞,指迅速的、準時的。例句:The actor needs to be prompted.(那個男演員需要提示台詞。)
thug:名詞,指惡棍、暴徒、凶手。例句:He lives a thug life.(他天不怕地不怕。)衍生自thug的thuggin是俚語用法,指過著黑幫生活,而俚語中straight thuggin則是指「帥啊!」
15 minutes of fame:15分鐘的名氣。該語在1968年出自美國普普藝術大師安迪.沃荷,當時他說:「In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.(將來每個人都可以成名15分鐘)」,此後15 minutes of fame即被用來指稱轉瞬即逝的名氣。
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