《中英對照讀新聞》Crying Greek pensioner: the story behind the poignant photo 哭泣的希臘退休老人:那張令人心酸的照片背後故事
Retiree Giorgos Chatzifotiadis had queued up at three banks in Greece’s second city of Thessaloniki on Friday in the hope of withdrawing a pension on behalf of his wife, but all in vain.
When he was told at the fourth that he could not withdraw his 120 euros($133), it was all too much and he collapsed in tears.
The 77-year-old told AFP that he had broken down because he "cannot stand to see my country in this distress".
"That’s why I feel so beaten, more than for my own personnel problems," Chatzifotiadis said.
The image of him sitting outside the bank, openly crying in despair with his savings book and identity card on the floor, was captured by an AFP photographer illustrating how ordinary Greeks are suffering during the country’s debt crisis.
"I see my fellow citizens begging for a few cents to buy bread. I see more and more suicides. I am a sensitive person. I can not stand to see my country in this situation," he said. (AFP)
poignant:形容詞,令人感到痛苦的,酸楚的,動人的。例句:It’s a poignant story about a girl’s struggle for live during war.(這是描寫一名少女在戰爭中努力求生的動人故事。)
beaten:形容詞,挫敗的,沮喪的;陳舊的,耗損的。例如:a weather-beaten face(飽經風霜的臉)。
break down:動詞片語,難過得無法控制情緒(哭泣)。例句:The mother broke down in tears when she heard the news of her son’s death.(這名母親聽到她兒子死訊時崩潰痛哭。)
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