《中英對照讀新聞》Li Na seeks win as Laureus sports awards visit China 勞倫斯獎到中國 李娜尋求勝出
Recently retired Chinese tennis star Li Na will enjoy home court advantage as she vies for sportswoman of the year when the premier Laureus World Sports Awards take place in China for the first time in April.
Li Na will go up against another tennis legend, Serena Williams, in a six-woman field, organisers said Wednesday.
Although China is a Summer Olympics powerhouse, only three Chinese athletes or teams have won Laureus World Sports Awards: NBA basketball star Yao Ming, hurdler Liu Xiang and the Chinese Olympic team for the 2008 Games -- which were held in Beijing.
For the men, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo will test his skills against number one golfer Rory McIlroy and Formula One motor racing champion Lewis Hamilton.
A selection panel of sports journalists makes the initial selection to create a shortlist for the awards and then a 50-member "jury" of athletes votes to pick the winners, which this year will be announced on April 15.
home court advantage:慣用語,主場優勢。
vie:動詞,競爭、爭奪。例句:They are vying to win the championship for the fifth year in a row.(他們爭取連續第五年奪冠。)
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