《中英對照讀新聞》Argentina to start 2015 with lapdogs flying high 阿根廷迎新年,開放寵物犬搭飛機
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez chose an unexpected theme for her year-end message to the country: a change in policy at the state-run airline to allow passengers to carry their already notoriously-pampered lapdogs with them on flights.
Punctuated by photographs on her Facebook page of the two-term leader sitting on presidential plane Tango 01 with her Toy Poodle Lolita, Fernandez said the perk will be shared by travelers on Aerolineas Argentinas, the country’s main carrier, starting in mid January.
"Careful! I said only small pets," the post says. "Don’t try to board with a 50 kilo mastiff. Lolita only weighs two kilos."
Lapdogs are a status symbol in Argentina, dressed sometimes in fitted sweaters emblazoned with colors of their owners’ favorite soccer club. Fernandez’s dog post got more than 36,000 ’likes’.
What Argentines are less keen on, and what got no mention in Fernandez’s message, was the country’s double-digit inflation and contracting gross domestic product.
Her successor will inherit a pet-friendly airline policy but an economy left in deep trouble by repeated sovereign debt defaults and heavy-handed trade and currency controls. (Reuters)
lapdog:名詞,寵物狗。例句:His coworkers regarded him as the boss’s lapdog.(他的工作夥伴視他為老闆的寵物狗。)
emblazon:動詞,用紋章裝飾。例句:The helmets were emblazoned with the team’s name.(這頂頭盔上飾有這支隊伍的名字。)
inflation:名詞,通貨膨脹。例句:The government has been unable to control inflation.(政府已無法控制通貨膨脹。)
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