《中英對照讀新聞》Swimmers Brave Cold for Berlin Christmas Swim 泳客冒冷為柏林耶誕游泳
For a group of hardy Berliners, Christmas Day is a time to sing seasonal songs, don festive wear and take a plunge in a cold lake.
Dozens of swimmers from the Berlin Seals club came to the German capital’s Oranke lake for their annual Christmas dip, complete with red Christmas hats.
The air was relatively mild this year at around 5°C(41°F)but still bracing enough for the swimmers to warm up by singing Christmas carols before taking the plunge.
Swimmer Beate Korehnke said:"The best is the feeling afterward. There is prickling all over the body. It’s like a sauna but backward." (AP)
brave:動詞,指勇於面對、敢於冒犯、藐視;形容詞,指勇敢的、美好的、華麗的、壯觀的;名詞,指勇士。例句:He braved dangers to save me.(他冒著危險救我。)
don:動詞,穿著、披上。例句:Remember to don clothing when you feel cold.(當你覺得冷時,記得穿衣。)
backward:形容詞,指向後的、返回的、怕羞畏縮的、落後的、猶豫的、發展遲緩的;副詞,指向後地、相反地、追溯。例句:The rainy season was backward last year.(去年雨季出現得晚。)