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《中英對照讀新聞》Tim Howard:Best memes of things USA goalkeeper could save 提姆.豪爾德:網路瘋傳這名美國隊門將能撲救之物精選

2014/07/21 06:00


Tim Howard’s brilliant performance in the United States’ 2-1 defeat after extra time to Belgium saw the American goalkeeper make the most saves in a World Cup match since 1966, but it wasn’t enough to keep his side in the tournament.


Howard’s heroics between the sticks gained praise from manager Jurgen Klinsmann – who knows a thing or two about scoring in World Cups – but the credit didn’t stop there.


In fact, Howard has his Wikipedia page edited to give him the new role as the Secretary of Defence of the United States of America, while the Twitter trend ’Things Tim Howard could save’ took off.


Here’s a few of the best memes to emerge after Howard’s performance:


Howard could have saved the doomed Titanic had he been born about 80 years earlier. F1 world championship leaders Mercedes even got in on the act, using Howard to make light of their recent brake troubles.


In what was likely to be his final World Cup appearance, 35-year-old Howard was awarded the man-of-the-match award for keeping Belgium starlet Divock Origi at bay.



know a thing or two(about something):動詞片語,(透過經驗)了解某事物。例句:As a working mom, she knows a thing or two about how to juggle a full-time job and homemaking.(身為上班族媽媽,她了解如何兼顧全職工作和持家。)

get/be in on the act/action:動詞片語,參一腳,加入某項他人發起並獲得成功的活動。例句:Many companies get in on the act following our success in the tablet market.(我們在平板電腦市場成功後,許多公司也跟進。)

keep(something/somebody)at bay:動詞片語,牽制(某事/ 某人)避免帶來麻煩。例句:We use torches to keep those wolves at bay.(我們用火把阻止那群狼靠近。)

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