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中英對照讀新聞/Golf courses deemed out of bounds for top sumo wrestlers 高球場成為頂尖相撲力士禁地

2011/08/12 06:00


Japan’s sumo giants have been banned from playing golf and to strictly obey traffic laws as the country’s ancient sport gears up for its formal return from a damaging bout-fixing scandal.


Sumo officials are turning the screw after being given the government’s go-ahead to hold its first tournament since a sting operation led to 25 wrestlers and trainers being fired.


"This is really the start so I want the wrestlers to be braced for it," Japan Sumo Association (JSA) chairman Hanaregoma told Wednesday’s Japanese media.


"I want them to go into battle feeling the nerves. There will be no playing golf and they will be told to adhere to the rules of traffic."


Following a serious traffic accident some years ago, wrestlers were banned from driving and they will also have their mobile phones confiscated for the July 10-24 Nagoya tournament.



out of bounds:片語,不被允許或批准。字面意義,出界,逾界。例句:Most military bases are totally out of bounds for reporters.(大多數軍事基地都完全禁止媒體進出。)

ban someone from something :片語,禁止某人做某事或進入某地。例句:The manager banned the children from the shopping mall.(那名經理禁止這些孩子進入購物商城。)

gear up for something:片語,準備做某事。例句:We are busy gearing up for my mother’s visit next week.(我們正忙著為下週我媽來訪做準備。)

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