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《 中英對照讀新聞》Volunteer encyclopedia as accurate as Britannica志願性百科全書就和大英百科一樣精確

2005/12/19 06:00

◎ 羅彥傑

Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that relies on volunteers to pen nearly 4 million articles, is about as accurate in covering scientific topics as Encyclopedia Britannica, the journal Nature wrote in an online article.


The finding, based on a side-by-side comparison of articles covering a broad swath of the scientific spectrum, comes as Wikipedia faces criticism over the accuracy of some of its entries.


Two weeks ago prominent journalist John Seigenthaler Sr. revealed that a Wikipedia entry that ran for four months had incorrectly named him as a suspect in the assassinations of president John F. Kennedy.


Unlike Britannica, which charges for its content and pays a staff of experts to research and write its articles, Wikipedia gives away its content for free and allows anyone _ amateur or professional, expert or novice _ to submit and edit entries.


Wikipedia, which boasts 3.7 million articles in 200 languages, is the 37th most visited Web site on the Internet, according to the research service Alexa.



side by side︰片語,指肩並肩、一起。例句︰Iwas running side by side with our captain.(我和隊長一起跑步。)

to give away︰片語,指贈送。例句︰I gave away my medals to my parents.(我把獎牌送父母。)

novice︰名詞,指新手。例句︰Novices are likely to make mistakes.(新手難免出錯。)

to boast︰動詞,指吹噓、自豪。例句︰He boasts his skill at tennis.(他吹噓自己的網球技術好。)

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