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中英對照讀新聞》Iowa woman reunited with egg she autographed in 1951 愛荷華州婦女與她在1951年簽名的雞蛋重逢

2023/11/17 05:30



Mary Foss Starn, now 92, slipped the autographed egg into a carton and sent it out like a note in a bottle to see if anyone would respond. Someone did, 72 years later.


Starn and several of her friends were packing eggs into cartons at an Iowa factory in 1951 when they hatched a goofy plan to liven up their workday.


The young women decided they would each sign their names and hometowns on a few eggs they picked at random, slip them into cartons and send them out like notes in a bottle to see if anyone responded.


“Whoever gets this egg, please write me,” Starn carefully wrote on several eggs with a pencil, along with the date, April 2, 1951.



slip:動詞,溜走;偷偷做。例句:The old woman slipped a piece of chocolate into the boy’s hand to cheer him up.(那名老婦把一塊巧克力塞進男童手裡好讓他開心。)

hatch:動詞,孵蛋;策劃(尤指秘密計劃)。例句:They hatched a plan to throw a surprise party for a friend’s birthday. (他們密謀為1名友人舉辦生日驚喜趴。)

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