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中英對照讀新聞》Nigerian city celebrates its many twins with annual festival 奈及利亞一座城市舉辦雙胞胎年度慶典

2023/03/26 05:30



Twins appear to be unusually abundant in Nigeria’s southwestern city of Igbo-Ora.


Nearly every family here has twins or other multiple births, says local chief Jimoh Titiloye.


For the past 12 years, the community has organized an annual festival to celebrate twins.


This year’s event included more than 1,000 pairs of twins and drew participants from as far away as France. There is no proven scientific explanation for the high rate of twins in Igbo-Ora.


John Ofem, a gynecologist based in the capital, Abuja, says it very well could be “that there are things they eat there that have a high level of certain hormones that now result in what we call multiple ovulation.”



draw:動詞,引起(注意)。例句:The opera always draws a crowd.(這部歌劇總能吸引大批觀眾。)

proven:形容詞,經證實的。例句:Tom has a proven track record in marketing.(湯姆擁有可靠的行銷業績。)

multiple:形容詞,多樣的。例句:Sunny is a scientist of multiple achievements.(桑妮是取得多樣成就的科學家。)

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