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中英對照讀新聞》Bosnian builds rotating house so that his wife has diversified view波士尼亞人建造旋轉屋 讓妻子享受不同風景

2022/10/01 05:30



Seeking to please his wife who had wished for a more diversified view from their family house, a Bosnian self-taught innovator has built a rotating house, allowing her to watch a rising sun in one moment and passers-by in the next.


“I got tired of their complaints and the frequent remodeling of our family house and said: I will build you a rotating house so that you can rotate it however you want,”Vojin Kusic, 72, told Reuters, standing in front of his new house that attracts the attention of visitors.


Situated on a fertile plain in northern Bosnia near the town of Srbac, the house spins around a 7-metre axis designed by Kusic, with views of corn fields and farmland changing into forests. and the river at the desired speed.


“The house can go full circle for 24 hours when at the slowest speed, while at the fastest speed it can go full circle in 22 seconds,” Kusic said.



diversified:形容詞,多變化的、雜多的。例句:Bank should develop diversified mortgage loan program.(銀行應該制定多樣化的抵押貸款方案。)

self-taught:形容詞,自修的、自學的。如self-taught knowledge(自學得來的知識)

passer-by:名詞,過路人、行人。例句:A passerby saw the accident and stopped to help. (一名行人目睹這起意外並停下來幫忙。)

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