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中英對照讀新聞》Italian coffee shop fined $1,050 for failing to display price of espresso義大利咖啡店因未標示濃縮咖啡價格被罰1050美元

2022/06/22 05:30



An Italian coffee shop owner is in hot water after being fined $1,050 for failing to display the cost of a $2.12 espresso.


The owner of the Ditta Artigianale cafe in Florence has been punished by police after a customer reported him at the end of April for not advertising his prices as legally required.

4月底一名顧客檢舉佛羅倫斯Ditta Artigianale咖啡店沒有依照法律要求標示價目後,該店老闆遭警方處罰。

Inspector Leonardo Magnolfi, of Florence local police, told CNN Thursday that a male customer reported the cafe for not displaying the price of the coffee behind the counter - as law dictates.


Police followed up the complaint and fined the shop $1,050 euros after verifying that the price was indeed absent.



be in hot water:片語,惹上麻煩。例句:He was in hot water over his negative comments about the new government.(他因為他對新政府的負面評論而惹上麻煩。)

dictate:動詞,命令,要求,規定。例句:The new rules dictate how you behave in class.(這些新守則規範你在課堂上的行為。)

report:動詞,檢舉。例句:The neighbours reported him for noise problems.(鄰居因噪音問題檢舉他)

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