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中英對照讀新聞》Yum! Woman eats 50 chili dogs in 22 minutes at Michigan bar 好吃!女子在密西根酒吧22分鐘嗑50條辣味熱狗

2021/07/17 05:30

美國紐約市聲稱有百年傳統的年度熱狗大胃王競賽「納森吃熱狗大賽」(Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest)4日展開,圖為2名優勝者,僅供示意,與此報導內容無直接關聯。(歐新社)


A competitive eater wolfed down 50 chili dogs in 22 minutes, setting a local record at a bar in western Michigan where thousands of customers have their names on the wall for eating just a fraction.


Molly Schuyler showed up and just started eating Wednesday at The Corner Bar in Rockford while other customers watched with their own meals.


After 19 minutes, she had eaten 44 hot dogs.


“Brought her out six more dogs. In 22 minutes, she ate 50,” server Lisa Paavo said.


Another competitive eater, Tim “Eater X” Janus, ate 43 1/2 chili dogs at the bar in 2006. Anyone who eats 12 in four hours gets their name on the wall.


“It’s going on 6,000 names,” manager John Vanaman said.(AP)



wolf down:片語動詞,指狼吞虎嚥。例句:He wolfed down the cake in seconds.(他幾秒鐘就把蛋糕吃掉了。)

fraction:名詞,指小部分、片段、分數。例句:His story does not contain a fraction of truth.(他的故事沒有一點真實性。)

bring out:片語動詞,指生產、推出、使明顯。例句:A crisis can bring out the best and the worst in people.(患難見真情。)

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