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《中英對照讀新聞》Swiss orchestra’s pandemic performances hit right note 瑞士管弦樂團的疫情演奏會切中需要

2021/04/21 05:30



With Swiss concert halls shut due to the coronavirus crisis, musicians from one orchestra have taken a unique approach to lifting the spirits of the nation’s music lovers.


Instead of playing to their usual packed houses, the musicians have taken to performing solo concerts for a single audience member sat just metres away.


The single spectator is only given the date, time and location, with the performer and the music remaining a mystery until show-time.


The result has been a much closer, more intimate experience - with surprising results for performers and spectators alike. (AFP)



hit the right note:片語,表現或言行得當,切中要點。例句:He hit the right note during his job interview.(他在他的工作面試中表現得恰到好處。)

packed:形容詞,擁擠的。例句:The passengers are packed like sardines on the train. (這列火車的乘客十分擁擠。)

take to someone/something:片語,開始喜歡上某人,開始做某事(尤指規律地)。例句:I’ve taken to getting up early.(我開始早起。)

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