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中英對照讀新聞》Scientists surprised to discover two dwarf giraffes in Namibia, Uganda 科學家驚訝在烏干達和納米比亞發現兩頭侏儒長頸鹿

2021/01/16 05:30



Being tall is the giraffe’s competitive advantage, giving it the pick of leaves from the tallest trees, so scientists were stunned to find two giraffe dwarves on different sides of Africa.


"It’s fascinating what our researchers out in the field found," Julian Fennessy, co-founder of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, told Reuters in a videocall on Friday.


Most giraffes grow to 4.5 - 6 metres, but in 2018, scientists working with the foundation discovered an 2.6 metre giraffe in Namibia. Three years earlier, they had also found a 2.8 metre giraffe in a Ugandan wildlife park.


"Unfortunately there’s probably no benefit at all. Giraffes have grown taller to reach the taller trees," Fennessy said. He added that it would most likely be physically impossible for them to breed with their normal-sized counterparts. (Reuters)



dwarf:名詞,侏儒;形容詞,指極小的;動詞,指相形見絀。例句:This crisis may well dwarf most that have gone before.(這場危機可能比以往大多數嚴重得多。)

reach:動詞,指費勁抵達、做出決定、伸手觸及、延伸、聯繫。例句:He has been trying to reach you on the phone all day.(他打了一整天電話,試圖聯繫你。)

breed:動詞,指為了育種而飼養、動物繁衍交配、招致;名詞,指動植物的品種、人的類型。例句:She was that rare breed of actress - beautiful, sexy and funny.(她是那種少見類型的女演員—美麗、性感又風趣。)

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