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中英對照讀新聞》Unflustered news anchor loses tooth live on air 淡定的新聞主播在現場直播時掉牙齒

2020/08/12 05:30

烏克蘭女主播帕達科的門牙在播報新聞時掉出來。(圖擷取自帕達科IG instagram.com/marichkapadalko/)


Live TV can throw up all sorts of potential hurdles. But Marichka Padalko, a news anchor on Ukraine, faced an usual problem when part of her front tooth fell out.


However, like a true professional, she simply put the tooth in her hand and continued.


"Honestly, I thought the incident would go unnoticed," she wrote on Instagram. "But we underestimated the attention of our viewers," she added, under a video of her losing the tooth.


Ms Padalko said she had been impressed by the amount of support she received. "In any situation, keep calm," she added.



unflustered:形容詞,不慌不忙的、不緊張的。例句:He is surprisingly unflustered even in such emergencies.(就連在這樣的緊急狀況下,他都出奇地冷靜。)

on air:形容詞,(電視、廣播)播音、播出中。例句:The radio host made the racist remarks on-air.(這名廣播主持人在廣播中說出這番種族歧視言論。)

throw up:片語,產生、迅速興建。例句:This new system has thrown up some problems.(這套新系統出現一些問題。)

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