中英對照讀新聞》Brain freeze: Russian firm offers path to immortality for a fee 凍存大腦:俄羅斯公司收費提供永生之路

When Alexei Voronenkov’s 70-year-old mother passed away, he paid to have her brain frozen and stored in the hope breakthroughs in science will one day be able to bring her back to life.
It is one of 71 brains and human cadavers - which Russian company KrioRus calls its "patients" - floating in liquid nitrogen in one of several metres-tall vats in a corrugated metal shed outside Moscow.
They are stored at -196 degrees Celsius with the aim of protecting them against deterioration, although there is currently no evidence science will be able to revive the dead.
"I did this because we were very close and I think it is the only chance for us to meet in the future," said Voronenkov who intends to undergo the procedure, known as cryonics, when he dies.(Reuters)
breakthrough:名詞,指重大進展、突破。例句:He may experience a crisis, or a breakthrough.(他可能經歷危機,或是突破瓶頸。)
corrugated:形容詞,指縮成皺紋的、波紋的、有瓦楞的。corrugate為動詞,指起皺紋、成波狀。例句:She corrugated her brows.(她皺起眉頭。)
revive:動詞,指甦醒、復元、復興、重新流行、回想起、重演。例句:A cup of coffee can revive you. (一杯咖啡能讓你恢復元氣。)
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