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中英對照讀新聞》Unique guitar-shaped hotel opens at Florida 獨特的吉他造型飯店在佛羅里達州開幕

2019/10/31 05:30



It looks like a rock ’n’ roll guitar that Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page would have played. But this one is 137-meter-tall hotel in south Florida. The Guitar Hotel, owned by Seminole Hard Rock empire, had its grand opening on October 24th.


The $1.5 billion project is a unique addition to South Florida’s tourist landscape. It has more than 600 rooms and at night, beams of light will mimic the strings of the guitar.


"Wouldn’t it be really cool if we could design a hotel shaped like a guitar?" said Jim Allen, CEO of Hard Rock International. "Before, we were more of a local facility. Now, we have the ability to market this internationally."


As for the guitar shape, Allen said it’s meant to be generic and not necessarily the Gibson Les Paul made famous by Page and others. But he added that Hard Rock has relationships with both Gibson and Page, and the hotel and casino features many Led Zeppelin artifacts.(AP)

艾倫表示,吉他外型是刻意設計成一般款,而非因佩奇等樂手使用而聲名大噪的吉普森Les Paul型號吉他。但他強調,硬石集團認識吉普森公司和佩奇本人,飯店和賭場因而展示許多與齊柏林飛船相關的藝品。(美聯社)


addition:名詞,增加的人或物。例句:I heard you are expecting a small addition to the family.(我聽說你們家要添一名新成員了。)

generic:形容詞,一般的、通用的。例句:The new products have a generic problem with their engines.(新產品有個通病,就是引擎有問題。)

artifact:名詞,工藝品。例句:An artifact store opened in the neighborhood.(社區新開一家工藝品店。)

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